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Friday, July 4, 2008

Euphoria by Ministry of Sound

haha....anybody went there that night?
it was a great night...cheers to Ministry of Sound....

i left home about 9pm and head to Sunway to have a look first
then drove to Asia Cafe to have a drink...
and till around 10pm, i head to nearby Sunway to find a parking
so we first...story in the middle...

entrance people

some girl was actually holding an angle grinder grinding her metal 'panties'

dancers in red.....

my new friend who brought me in Mr. Glen

this guy, Mr a guy i met while lining up at the entrance...
it was his last day in Malaysia...
so he wants to have some fun before going back to his country
he's 39 btw...
we had a random chat while waiting for our turn
so we waited till almost our turn, he saw his friend...
so he asked one of the bouncers to call him
then his friend, Mr Ian was managing the club on that day
he brought us in immediately just like VIP haha...
we don't need to line up for the metal detector and so on
so we got our self some beers to chill while walking around
this club is so special because it's a non-smoking club
they created a smoking room specially for smokers ^^
the dance floor was quite big, surrounded with speakers
and the floor that have sub woofer nearby, it will vibrate like there's a slight earthquake haha
so we went back at around 3.30am, reach home about 4
sleep about 4.30am and holy shit...on the same day i have to wake at 6am

hmm....the end.. >_>

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