like assignment...some stupid powerpoint slides and blablabla
but i'm just super lazy....
shit stuck on youtube again...brb
when i'm doing something
important or less important
urgent or not urgent...
i will get distracted easily...
yea like u see...i was supposed to be doing my slides
but then i'm here blogging
and before this, youtube-ing...
....brb again
was on youtube again...
one of my favorite song
sang by some asian-chinese-look girl lol
hehe back on blogging...
i want to rant about something
but i cant lol...
it's about office... :P
i slept around 4 yesterday because i was rushing my assignment
the due date was today...until 10:30am only
so need to finish up lor...
then this morning at college
happen the funniest thing in..probably in this month lol
it's Kenny first he enter the class...he was late..
then everybody was asking...Kenny, wheres your assignment?
then he said : hah? what assignment?
then we said : database larr... ._.
he : huh? why? pass up today ah?
we : yalar...if not? today is 20th already leh...*laughs*
he : bloody hell...shit...die la...*looks at lecturer* SIR!! afternoon pass up can ah?
sir : cannot la..too late already...latest is 10:30
me : wheres ur assignment??
he : in my laptop at home...
we : what u want to do now? faster go and take la...
he : *runs* leaving his n95 and bag and wallet...only bring his thumbdrive =D
hahahaha....den after dat...we have basic comm
again...the "now-the-boy-over-there" Dr. Sheela Abraham
then...graph lesson lor...
coz next week we got some test abt graph
then...she end the class at 12 lol...
on yesterday ( thursday ) she continue until we missed 5++ minutes of programming class
and tell us to call her next time if she's late...
after that i go office lor...
the stupid internet problem still not solved...
then reach already...and solved it...also use infront of those workers...
then go back to college and meet my wife
then an hour later...*rings*....
hello, Eric ah?, Xxxxx from somewhere....the internet still not working lah...
wtf??? haih...i also lazy la...but i wan earn greens...must layan lor
i've been diet-ing for 2 days lol...
i skip dinner for 2 days already...
hmm...tomorrow sure need to go out for dinner
if not sure someone will screw me =(
that day, i 'dissect' my 'mouse' lol...
and this mouse is expansive...
and... shit...another video that got me distracted
nice music =D..then another video of her that continues from this first video has the title "dept"
aww i'm starting to love korean music now...
back to my mouse..
pic time =D
the mouse without the 'top shell' lol
close up on the blue an alien airscrft right?? * winks*
my wife just only phone me just now...
she's reaching home already
sigh..late...dangerous..worry T_T i dont want anything to happen to you baby
so i gotta go n take my bath, then get back here to online
so....gtg for now...
*plays* lee soo young - lala